
Huxley is one of our larger, honey colored Goldens. He is 100 lbs with a big personality who loves, cuddles and enjoys affection.   He is OFA certified for hips and elbows.


Falcon is 58 lb, petite and honey golden in color.  He has a handsome blocky head and medium length hair.  He is affectionate, playful and loving.  He is AKC, DNA and OFA certified.


Silver is a beautiful female golden and weighs 70 lbs. She is very mellow, and sweet with children. OFA certified and AKC registered.


Zoe has a blocky head, energetic, beautiful frame and honey golden color. She plays fetch and loves other animals. 65 lbs. She is OFA certified.



Angel has world champion bloodlines, light, beautiful and loving.  She is gentle, obedient and intelligent.  She weighs 52 lb and 18 inches from shoulders to ground.  She is OFA certified.


Maple is 85 lb, dark golden, and has a great personality.  She loves to walk, and play tug a war.  I believe that she will be a great mother.  She is OFA certified.